One of the first things many visitors notice when walking through our building for the first time is the tremendous amount of student-produced art we have on display. For many students at The Piedmont School, nothing inspires them more than the opportunity to build and create.
We know the value of self-expression and we encourage our students to express their creativity and individuality. One way we encourage our students to do this is through our arts department (music, drama, and art classes).

Every TPS student, K-8th grade, participate in Art and Drama classes twice a week and Music classes once a week. This integrated approach to an arts curriculum gives our students the opportunity to learn not only about art history, sculpting, painting, drawing, theatre, plays, musicals, and techniques but also about communication, self-expression, and individuality.
Our students participate in several mini-performances throughout the year from art and talent showcases to participation in our K-8th musical in the spring. The whole school musical is a highlight of every school year. Every student K-8th participates in this performance each year. Students are a main part of the creative process and participate in set design and construction, technical responsibilities, as well as performing. Many of our high school students choose to volunteer with building/painting sets, set construction, and ushering to be involved in the process and to gain service learning hours. We know that live performance is not for everyone so students also learn about “behind the scenes” roles in the theatre world. Previous performances include The Lion King, Seussical The Musical, Aladdin Jr., Wonka Jr., Beauty & The Beast, and Peter Pan. These opportunities help our students come out of their shells and become comfortable in many different situations.